Thursday, October 10, 2013

Day 5

      In the United States theres predators. Just like black bears and sharks, they are the prey of animals. Today i have encountered a Grizzly Bear, one of the most dangerous animals on earth. These animals will hunt you no matter if you a bypasser or an attacker. I was wondering through Mount Jossiah and while hiking i heard a big stick crack. I look up in the air and i see a giant brown animal. I couldn't get a very good look but i googled on brown animals in the Polar Tundra and i saw a grizzly bear and how dangerous they are. I took cover behind a rock and sat there waiting for the bear to pass. I have also planted my camera on the side of the rock so it could take a video of it. In about 2 hours it went away. Luckily it didn't see me, that bear would have attacked on site. There are no grizzly bears in the eastern U.S. but in Polar Tundras theres a lot. Here's the video I took of it.

Question of the day: What do you think of Grizzly bears?

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